Full Progression Guide

Expansion Overview: The Secrets of Faydwer is a 15 zone expansion located on the continent of Faydwer. You can can travel here via Guild Hall portal or wizard port to Dragonscale Hills, druid port to Loping Plains, or entrance to both Dragonscale Hills and Loping Plains via Steamfont Mountains. This expansion increases the level cap from 75 to 80. Spells follow a similar Rank I, Rank II, and Rank III flow.

Disclaimer: This progression walkthrough took place on the free trade server Firiona Vie to mirror what the conditions will be like on Mischief. Some quest items in this expansion will be "no drop" on regular servers.

Zone Connection Guide:

Progression Overview
Progression in Secrets of Faydwer has a base tier (T1), T2, T3, and T4. You’ll need to get successive access for Meldrath’s Majestic Mansion open world, and then the instanced raid version. As well as access to Crystallos open world, and then the instanced raid version. Tiers are listed below.

  • T1: Loping Plains, Dragonscale Hills
  • T2: Bloodmoon Keep, The Mechamatic Guardian, The Hills of Shade, The Crypt of Shade, The Fortress Mechanotus, Gyrospire Beza, and Gyrospire Zeka
  • T3: S.H.I.P. Workshop, The Steam Factory, Meldrath’s Majestic Mansion
  • T4: Crystallos

Meldrath’s Majestic Mansion Access

The Search for the Ultimate Story

Head to Dragonscale Hills and find Gimblefixx located in the center of the zone as indicated below. Target him and say the phrasea dealto receive the solo task namedThe Search for the Ultimate Storyto complete. Seek out minotaurs in one of two places on the West side of the zone.

You need to obtain three items not explicitly listed in the task dialogue from minotaur model enemies (level 68-73). These drops are somewhat common, but each person on the task will need to loot one of each.

Warning: Gimblefixx will take your items even if you have failed to obtain the task. Ensure you have received the task before turning them in.

Return to Gimblefixx and turn in all three items to complete this step of the task and receive:

Clockwork Key

Now that you have your Clockwork Key, head North and then East to King Ak`Anon. You’ll come up to a hut that is locked. In first person, have the Clockwork Key on your cursor and press “U” to open the door. Give the key to the king.

You will receive a Clockwork Seal of Ak`Anon. Sayleaveto the king to be ported out. Your task will update. Return to Gimblefixx.

Clockwork Seal of Ak`Anon

Hail Gimblefixx for a task update. He will then instruct you to go to Fortress Mechanotus to see the Clockwork Warmarshal. You’ll head back North then East again towards the cannon. Hop in to get yeeted into the FM zoneline.

Once in Fortress Mechanotus, you’ll head Northwest into the camp to see Clockwork Warmarshal.

Hail the Clockwork Warmarshal for a task update. He will send you to see Gurtrude the Spymaster who is in the same camp, back to the East a very short distance in the tent behind Tavik Gearpaq.

Target Gurtrude and sayWarmarshal sent mefor a task update. She will send you to the S.H.I.P. Workshop to find an injured spy.

When you enter S.H.I.P. Workshop, there is an elevator with a lever to enter from the zone in. Getting to an injured spy isn’t hard, but it’s easy to get disoriented in this zone your first time in. You should invis to lessen the amount of clearing necessary, but there are a few see invis mob types found in the zone.

Directions to an injured spy:

  1. From zone in, go up the elevator.
  2. Open the door, and go up the ramp immediately to your right.
  3. At the top of the ramp, hook back around to the left.
  4. Open the second door on the right.
  5. Pass through the second door to the next ramp. Be careful. It’s easy to fall back down to the first level.
  6. Run up the ramp to the third floor. Pass through two doors to enter the hallway.
  7. Go right. Open the third door on your right, and pass through the next door to the ramp. Again, be careful.
  8. Go up the ramp to the fourth floor. Go through the door to the East.
  9. Pass through the long hallway to the door leading outside.
  10. Go right around the corner back towards the West.

Hailan injured spy for a task update and to receive the Spy Document. You will need to head back to Fortress Mechanotus to see Gurtrude. You can easily drop down to the first level using the outside of the SHIP to run back to the Fortress Mechanotus zone line. If you fall off completely, you will be sent back to Dragonscale Hills right next to the cannon that yeets you to Fortress Mechanotus.

Once in Fortress Mechanotus, run back East to the encampment to see Gurtrude the Spy. Give Gurtrude the Spy Document to receive a task update. Your next task is to visit both Gyrospire Beza and Gyrospire Zeka to retrieve two Document Samples. Nearby to the South, you’ll see a catapult on either side of the Launch Engineer. The West catapult yeets you to Gyrospire Beza. The East Catapult yeets you to Gyrospire Zeka. Click to fly.

The Gyrospires

Warning: The following quest items "Document Samples" are named the same, and they have the exact same lore tab. You must remember which one you still need after obtaining them. They are LORE, and you cannot accidentally loot two of the same type.

Gyrospire Beza

Enter Gyrospire Beza by clicking on the West most catapult near the Launch Engineer. You’ll be flung high into the zone. Once in zone, you’ll make your way to Engineer Gyrzim. Beware that many enemies in this zone see invis. If you attempt to levitate in certain spots within the zone you will get an emote stating “Anti-infiltration security measures enabled,” and levitate will be stripped. Engineer Gyrzim does leash when you attempt to pull him from his floor.

Directions to Engineer Gyrzim

Engineer Gyrzim drops 6 Document Samples.

Gyrospire Zeka

Enter Gyrospire Zeka by clicking on the East most catapult near the Launch Engineer. You’ll be flung high into the zone. Once in zone, you’ll make your way to Technician Masterwork. Beware that many enemies in this zone see invis. If you attempt to levitate in certain spots within the zone you will get an emote stating “Anti-infiltration security measures enabled,” and levitate will be stripped. Technician Masterwork does leash when you attempt to pull him from his floor.

Directions to Technician Masterwork

Technician Masterwork drops 6 Document Samples.

Once you have obtained both Document Samples, return to Gurtrude in Fortress Mechanotus. Turn in both samples to her to receive a task update. You will need to kill enemies in Fortress Mechanotus to obtain a Piece of Scrap Metal. Gnomes, clockworks models, and minotaurs all have a chance to drop this quest piece. Once you have looted the scrap metal, head back to Gurtrude in the encampment. Turn in both the scrap metal and the seal you received earlier in this task.

After turning them both in, you will receive a Clockwork Key. The lore on this key is different from earlier.

Head to see the Clockwork Warmarshal.Hailhim to receive both a task update and an entirely new solo task,Exploring the Mansionadded to your quest log. It’s time to go to Meldrath’s Majestic Mansion.

Once you get to the mansion door, it’s time to configure your key. This process can be difficult for some to grasp, but once you understand what is happening, it should go relatively quickly.

Configuring the key

Put your key somewhere that easy to get to during this process. You don’t want to lose track of it.

Your key has 8 teeth. By default, all teeth are in the inserted position. To use the key, you will put it on your cursor and click the door. You will get a response: “There are X teeth placed incorrectly with your configured key. Try a different combination.” So now you know, of the 8 inserted teeth, there are X amount that need to be changed to removed. We do this by process of elimination.

To change the configuration of a tooth, you will right click the key in your top inventory slot. Once you right click it, you have a two second window to right click again to change that tooth’s configuration. If you wait more than two seconds, the next right click will change the next tooth’s configuration. Once you use the key on the door, your reconfiguration will start back at tooth 1.

Using the boxes below, you can type “I” for inserted or “R” for removed. Or you can use a pen and paper if that is easier.

How to start:

*Right Click Key* Tooth 1 Removed
*Place the key on your cursor and click the door*
"There are X teeth placed incorrectly with your configured key. Try a different combination."

If X is greater than your original message, Tooth 1's correct position is Inserted. If X is lower than your original message, Tooth 1's correct position is Removed.

Since you clicked the door, your next right click will go back to adjusting Tooth 1. Change it to the correct configuration, then pause at least 2 seconds. Move on to Tooth 2 configuration. Test. Observe the resulting message. Take note. 

Use this process to lower X until you are able to zone in.
Tooth 1:
Tooth 2:
Tooth 3:
Tooth 4:
Tooth 5:
Tooth 6:
Tooth 7:
Tooth 8: